HGOHD MUSIC GROUP is a record label promoting music of the rise of H, Truth of H. HARJGTHEONE DBA is the first artist in the record label. To be considered as an artist with HGOHD MUSIC GROUP, artists must be also be eligible to be considered for entry into the 14th family. Please contact HGOHD MUSIC GROUP with email below if you are interested in being considered by HGOHD MUSIC GROUP.
PURCHASE HGOHD MUSIC here and customer support at: customerservice@hgohdmusicgroup.us
Click on the songs below and then click on the pop up shopping bag on "open bag" to confirm order.
The song(s) download link(s) will be emailed to you. Cheers!
Copyright HGOHD MUSIC GROUP (2016)
Suite 316, 1489 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC, Canada V7T 1B8 1-833-666-6603